
Traveling across the nation conducting field work has led me to many incredible places, introduced me to some remarkable people, and helped build several unbelievable experiences. The people, the places, and the things I’ve done here at Penn State have helped to create an insatiable taste for life and a broader perspective of the world and how I fit into it!

Yes, a lot of the time on the road is spent doing field work, traveling from apiary to apiary, or orchard to orchard, working long hours, many miles from home, but we are handed gifts along the way. These gifts come in many forms so when I travel I always try to keep an open mind.

One such gift was presented to us the day we sampled Tom Glenn’s operation for the National Honey Bee Survey. Play the video to see what we saw on the front porch of Tom’s home.

February is a beautiful month to be in San Diego County and meeting with Tom is always a pleasure. Tom has a beautiful home that backs up to wildlife preserve and in the spring it is always full of life from the flowers to the birds. I once told Tom that I liked his property so much that when I died I wanted to come back as his dog so I too could lie lazily amongst the grass and soak in the sweet southern Californian sun.


Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.