Testing for Hygienic Behavior

Last Thursday we started with our first two days of breeder sampling at Pendell-Apiaries in Stonyford, CA. Breeder sampling includes colony assessments, hygienic, Varroa, Nosema, and virus testing. Katie did a tremendous job in the field explaining and guiding the team through the tasks that needed to be completed during the two days we spent in Stonyford, CA. We will continue the breeder sampling through the month of February and into March until we visit all 16 beekeepers participating in the project. Click on the pictures below for a description of what was going on in each.

Field Work Prep
Field Supplies for Breeder Sampling
Stonyford CA
The crew from Pendell Apiaries pluck frames of brood for hygienic testing
Hygienic Testing
Before brood is frozen unsealed cells need to be counted
Rob and Katie Hygiene
Katie and Rob freezing brood with liquid nitrogen
Hygienic Testing
Frames must thaw before they go back into the hive


Dead Pupae
Dead and removed brood from hygienic testing
Frank and Frame
Frank Pendell stands next to a hive that tested 100% Hygienic

Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.