Survey Time: An Appeal to Our Greater Good

For a great many of us, it is as easy to slip into apathy as it is to succumb to eating our children’s Easter candy – especially the chocolate peanut butter cups.  We sometime remove ourselves from involvement and responsibility of the larger social structure because, well, we think someone else will take care of what needs doing; however, this cannot be the case now.  It is survey time at the Bee Informed Partnership and that means involvement FROM EACH AND EVERY BEEKEEPER.  Whether you manage 1 hive or 10,000 hives, we want to hear from you.  I’m making it easy on you.  Here is the link:

There are no right or wrong answers.  We don’t keep your email so it is safe and secure.  And here’s something you might not know.  We really do care…each and every one of us on this small team is very passionate about what we are doing and why we are doing it.  You CAN make a difference but only if you join us.  We’re not asking you to march about in cold, wet weather with placards or forgo your next meal.  We just want you to click on the link above and take 20 minutes.  Have a cup of coffee and put on some music while you take the survey.  Get someone to give you a foot rub while you take it…make it enjoyable! Tell us what you think and how you manage your colonies.


What is in it for you?  If you could directly query about how colonies are managed in your area and what is working for your neighbor beekeepers and what overwintering strategies are most helpful in your region, wouldn’t you want to know? These are the results we are producing.  See our Results page on this website or watch the webinar below that Dennis just gave at the end of March about last year’s results.


Say “NO” to apathy.  Let’s make a difference together and I won’t tell anyone about you eating that chocolate bunny.


Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.