Autumn and the Death of Drones

The autumn is here and it is getting pretty chilly in Minnesota. The shorter days and decreased temperatures also mean doom for the poor drones. While sampling colonies this past September, we saw worker bees drag out their reluctant brothers. A drone’s function is to mate, and there isn’t mating going on in the winter. No mating means the fellows are no longer needed in the colony and are just a drain on the colony’s resources, and they are treated as such. They are forced out of the colony and eventually die of exposure. I understand why the worker bees drag the drones out and I know I am anthropomorphizing them, but still feel sorry for the poor guys.

Drone bee being dragged out of a colony.
Drone bee being dragged out of a colony.
Worker bee leaving drone bee in the grass.
Worker bee leaving drone bee in the grass.



Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.