BIP Mobile Bee Diagnostic Lab

Our Bee Informed work trucks serve as virtual mobile bee labs, and are stocked with everything we need to take a variety of samples. On this particular day, the Pacific Northwest Tech Transfer Team was preparing to take virus samples in addition to the standard varroa/Nosema testing, as part of a longitudinal USDA study on bee viruses. Each individual bee will be tested (rather than the typical composite sample) to determine the type, variation and scope of viruses present. Numbered tags are stapled on each colony so they can be found again and longitudinally monitored over many months. The cardboard box contains a cooler full of dry ice that will be shipped overnight to the lab for virus processing. The 100-bee samples need to be frozen right away to prevent degradation of the virus replicates. Please help us continue to provide these specialized services and donate now to keep our mobile lab well stocked!


Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.