Be Included, Be Involved, Bee Informed and Be Generous

In today’s world, we are asked to care passionately about so many things. From polar bears to plastic, we are often overwhelmed at how many good causes are asking for aid. There is precious little remaining bandwidth in our mental and emotional reserves for anything more, so I will make this short. 

If you or someone you know is a beekeeper in any part of the world, you know that we are asking more of these magnificent insects under increasingly challenging circumstances. Our wonderfully diverse food supply depends on them and our economy benefits from the fact they are here. However, we are also asking increasingly more from our beekeepers. Managing honey bees has become increasingly difficult. If you were looking for an easy and relaxing retirement hobby, you may want to take up golf instead. We are trying to change that. The BIP team is confident that brighter times are on the horizon and we are asking you to be part of that transformation.

See Our New Website!

BIP is a relatively small, scrappy and diverse team, spread wide across the United States. As a nonprofit, we work tirelessly each and every day to bring you the most reliable and recent data to help you make informed decisions while enjoying your hobby or career. Today, we proudly launch our new website to make it easier for you to access our programs and data. We also welcome and encourage the distribution of this information – as many of you have done – to educate others about the challenges facing honey bees and the ways that we can help solve them.

Today, we also implore you, beekeepers and faithful environmentally conscious friends, to help us continue making  a difference. In the next month or so, you will be hearing from many of us at the Bee Informed Partnership. We will share a short movie or two, acquaint you with what we do and hopefully inspire you with the impact we are having on the industry and the world. We ask that you Donate today. You WILL make a difference.  

Donate to BIP! »

Thank you from our entire team. 

We promise to make every dollar count.


Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.