Want to Help Bees? – BIP Tech Team Fundraiser

Want to Help Honey Bees?


Help us expand the Bee Tech Team program to improve honey bee health and safeguard the food supply.


The success of the Bee Tech Team program has created demands beyond the scope of our existing funds. To scale our impact, we’re launching a campaign to raise 50K, a small portion of those funds.

Help our campaign by donating funds and sharing our ask with others.

ENGAGE. Help us spread the word by agreeing to share our campaign with your network.

AMPLIFY. Provide a grant and/or matching funds to ensure the campaign’s success.


The best beekeepers keep the best bees. Declining honey bee health does not always have a single cause or a single solution, but putting the best tools, techniques, and technologies in the hands of the people on the front lines – the beekeepers – has made a huge impact.

Bee Tech Teams are made up of trained experts who work directly with commercial beekeepers to provide them with these tools, techniques, and technologies. Commercial beekeepers that work with Tech Teams lose significantly fewer colonies than those who do not. Participation in Tech Teams can reduce losses by as much as 30%. Check out the video above to learn more.


The Bee Informed Partnership is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The entire amount of your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. The Bee Informed Partnership verifies that you did not receive anything of value in exchange for your donation.


Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.