A time of Thanks and Giving – 2017


The Bee Informed Partnership’s – our friends call us BIP – mission is to help beekeepers keep colonies alive using real world data.  We have come a long way in the last 5 years, and we couldn’t have done it without beekeeper participation.  But running BIP costs money, and while we have been successful in grants and beekeeping pay for services – we also rely on beekeepers not only to supply data – but also to help keep us funded through donations. For those of you who have supported us in the past – either by supplying data or financially – and continue to do so, a hearty “Thank you” from all of us! On this giving Tuesday we are asking you to consider contributing to help ensure BIP keeps giving valuable services in the future.

If you have found one of our blogs worthwhile and shared it with another beekeeper or your club, please consider donating.

If you have heard one of us speak locally, regionally or nationally, and our content made you think, laugh, or reconsider your management practices, please open your pocketbook.

If you have made use of our extensive, public and free data/graphs/images, we want you to donate.

If you have used one of our ERK kits or have had a return phone call from our teams or lab staff helping you through an issue, we would appreciate a donation.

If you are one of our commercial beekeepers involved in a technical transfer team, please give your team member a hug and then please send a donation.

Or if you just enjoy eating a variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts, we will be happy to take your donation!

As we sit around tables with family and friends this holiday season, we are grateful to work with so many wonderful beekeepers, organizations, and industry groups. We are making a difference each and every day. Giving Tuesday may have been an outgrowth of the very commercialized Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but I hope that this single day does not constrain anyone from giving any day of the year. We are making an appeal to any beekeeper who has used our website, downloaded an image or graph, or shared a link from one of our blogs: Please donate this season. Every dollar goes to support our website, our teams and our lab and since we are a nonprofit, your gift is fully tax deductible. Here is the link to donate: https://beeinformed.org/donate/

The Delightful Fine Print: The Bee Informed Partnership is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The entire amount of your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Make your accountant happy by donating!


We all want to make a difference and now you can. Thank you from all of us.


Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.