Being at the intersection of computing and beekeeping affords unique opportunities for me to share my love of beekeeping. Beekeeping Enters the Cloud was the catchy title for a talk I gave at the Microsoft Research Cloud Futures 2011 conference where I explained how cloud computing is being used to address the problem of high winter losses through the Bee Informed Partnership and to provide beekeepers a powerful record keeping tool called Hive Tracks. Watch the talk (click on the image) to see my vision for the ongoing intersection of computing and beekeeping.
Author: James Wilkes
Dr. James Wilkes is a Professor of Computer Science and Chair of the Department
of Computer Science at Appalachian State University where he has been a faculty
member for 19 years. He has also been around bees his whole life. His father kept
several stands of bees in his backyard after purchasing his first bee package through mail
order from Sears in 1964. Dr. Wilkes started keeping bees in the year 2000 with three
hives and now manages about a hundred hives from his family farm, Faith Mountain Farm, in Creston, NC. Dr. Wilkes is a Co-Project Director for The Bee Informed Partnership being the IT lead for the project. He is also cofounder of Hive Tracks,, along
with fellow beekeeper and software engineer friend Mark Henson.