Committing to Keeping Better Records

When I first started beekeeping with just two colonies, it was easy to remember what went on in my hives from week to week and month to month. That was years ago, and to this day, I still remember both colonies surviving the winter only to die suddenly in the spring. And I still recall starting over in my second year of beekeeping: obtaining one colony by capturing a swarm, and one by removing bees and comb from the porch wall of a local farmer’s house.   Compare that to last year when I pulled my honey supers and found myself wondering why a group of…

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Why I Keep Going Back

I used to be a regular attendee of my local area’s annual garden show. I enjoyed listening to the speakers they had scheduled each year, and I always kept a notepad and pen handy to jot down new plant varieties I had just learned about or some gardening tip I didn’t want to forget. After several years, I realized it was not that often that I actually used my notes or put the new ideas into practice, but I kept going back to the garden show anyway. I was not sure what kept drawing me back, but now I think I know. As my enthusiasm…

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Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.