Bees in the Classroom

Have you ever thought about teaching your kids, grandchildren, a young family friend, or even a class at a local elementary school about honey bees? Well, I have! I love going into elementary classrooms and teaching the youth about honey bees. They are our next generation of bee keepers, farmers, scientists, and researchers so we need to get them excited early. When I go and talk to a classroom of students I make sure to always bring a few things with me: My bee suit – it gets their attention and gets them involved because they love to put it on. Honey – for them…

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Whole Foods Market Takes a Stand

The rapid decline in the honey bee population for the past several years may not set a blaring red alarm to the average person, but did you know that one out of every three bites of food you consume comes from plants pollinated by honeybees? Now you’re paying attention! The continuing decline of pollinators comes with a price; to see more check out this interesting news article from PR Newswire where a Whole Foods Market takes a look at its produce section. To raise awareness of just how crucial pollinators are to our food system, the University Heights Whole Foods Market store temporarily removed all…

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Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.