BIP ArcHive: the free version is here!

The Bee Informed Partnership (BIP) is pleased to announce the release of a new beekeeper management application that is a free version of its professional honey bee health and management tracking application at! BIP ArcHive provides a seamless way for beekeepers to record activities and observations in the bee yard, giving insights to improve colony management.  Map your bee yards  Track the same colonies over time  Record Varroa levels  Mark conditions you observe in your colonies  Curate a continuous history of honey bee health! This new application called BIP ArcHive is based on the database and hive inspection procedures used by BIP Honey Bee Health…

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2022/23 State Loss Data Now Available!

2022/23 state losses have been calculated from this past spring's Loss and Management Survey and are now available online! At you can find the level of reported loss for our three seasons (winter, summer, and annual), sort the results, and filter based on single-state or multi-state operations. Loss level is calculated per state for any operation that visits that state during the survey period when "Operation Type" is selected as "All". These results are available per year, and beginning last year we made available a download of all state loss data here.   This year we see a high level of annual loss in…

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Bee a Part of Something Big: Participate in the Loss and Management Survey

An important sign of spring is here: The Loss and Management Survey from the Bee Informed Partnership is live! We need your help to make this year's survey the best one yet! As you know, the survey helps us understand the challenges that beekeepers across the country face. This informs extension specialists, scientists, and policy makers about the issues that matter to beekeepers. By participating in the survey, you can help us gather data on colony conditions, management practices, and other important factors that affect the health, productivity, and survival of your bees. Our survey is a long-term effort: We have run the loss section…

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Loss & Management Survey FAQ

You ask, we answer. April is BIP survey time! Regardless of whether you are new to taking the Bee Informed Partnership Colony Loss and Management survey or a regular by now, you may have some questions. Are you not sure why you should take the survey? Do you wonder about some of the questions in the survey? We may have some answers for you! Read over these frequently asked questions and our answers. We hope this is helpful and will help you to answer the survey here. Q: Why should I bother taking the survey? What difference will it make? A: Surveys fall under the…

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United States Honey Bee Colony Losses 2021-2022: Preliminary Results From The Bee Informed Partnership

Note: This is a preliminary analysis. Sample sizes and estimates are likely to change. A more detailed final report is being prepared for publication in a peer-reviewed journal at a later date. Download .pdf version here Dan Aurell1, Selina Bruckner1, Mikayla Wilson2, 3, Nathalie Steinhauer2, 3, *, Geoffrey Williams1, * 1Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA 2Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA 3Bee Informed Partnership, College Park, MD, USA *Joint last authors Corresponding Authors: (NS) & (GW) The Bee Informed Partnership ( is a non-profit organization that works alongside beekeepers to improve honey bee…

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Join The 2022 Mite-A-Thon!

Varroa destructor (Varroa), and the viruses it vectors is a significant driver of honey bee colony mortality. Yet, indicators suggest that many beekeepers are not monitoring honey bee colony Varroa infestations and therefore aren’t able to connect infestation to colony loss. Varroa are ectoparasites that breed in the cells of developing honey bees, feeding on bees and transmitting several harmful viruses as they do so. Though it is encouraging to see awareness of these formidable foes growing on all sides of the beekeeping community, it is worrying that recent research results show signs of increasing acaricide resistance in Varroa, and rising virulence of Varroa-vectored viruses.…

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One More Week To Complete The Survey!

If you have already taken the 2022 Loss and Management Survey, THANK YOU! Please consider sharing this with all the beekeepers in your life! If you haven't, please take a few moments to take the survey now! TAKE THE SURVEY You’ve heard a lot from us in the last couple of weeks. Thank you for your … patience? In this final week, we thought we would take a step back and let some other folks do the talking. We’re very thankful for the help and support we’re receiving from the whole community. Thank you all, and we’ll be in touch around June to share the…

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Sentinel Signup Now Ending May 1st – Register Now!

That's right! It is your last chance to register for Bee Informed Partnership's Sentinel Apiary Program and be a part of the exciting 2022 season! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW! The Sentinel Apiary Program is a citizen-science program designed to help beekeepers become better at inspecting colonies, keeping better records, and making timely, data-driven management decisions. Sentinel participants receive educational resources and materials needed to inspect and sample their colonies. They also gain access to a number of online tools, instructional videos, a live webinar series, and more! We’ve also made a number of exciting changes to the program this year, which includes pesticide testing…

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Add Your Data Point To The Map: Take The BIP Survey!

Written By Dan Aurell, Selina Bruckner, Geoff Williams, and Nathalie Steinhauer You may have heard the statement “all beekeeping is local”. This means that, depending on where you keep bees, your beekeeping actions for a particular month could be drastically different than what is appropriate for beekeepers located elsewhere! During April, some beekeepers might be busy with tasks like installing packages and raising queens, while others might be using the mild days to crack lids on their colonies even while there’s snow on the ground. Regardless of what other tasks you are trying to accomplish this April, we hope you will find time to fill…

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Join us for a new season of Survey!

The 2021-2022 Annual Loss and Management Survey is live on April 1st. New season, new survey! Our team is so excited to share with you our brand new survey. The survey is open from April 1 to April 30, 2022. Take the Survey Here! The Loss and Management Survey is a national effort that tracks long-term trends of U.S. honey bee colony health. The survey’s main objective is to monitor colony loss rates that beekeepers experience each year, the management actions that beekeepers take, and to compare these losses and practices among all types of beekeeping operations − from backyard hobbyists managing fewer than 50…

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Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.