Catherine Crosier

Catherine comes to the BIP Field Specialist position from the East Coast where she spent the past year working as a technician on the New York State (NYS) beekeeper tech team out of Cornell University. As part of the tech team, she worked with beekeepers across New York to inspect colonies, collect samples, and provide data-driven recommendations for improving colony health. She also provided general extension services for NYS beekeepers through the publication of extension materials including an annual report. A 2022 graduate of Cornell, Catherine dedicated her undergraduate years to the study of honey bees and practice of beekeeping which culminated in a dual degree in Environment & Sustainability and Spanish with a minor in Entomology. While an undergrad, she designed her own major concentration called “Honey Bees and Humans” (named after her favorite class from freshman year!). Catherine was a proud member of Scott McArt’s laboratory for 5 years during which she helped with studies ranging from disease spillover to miticide application efficacy. She is passionate about leveraging beekeeper insights to promote the sustainability of the beekeeping industry and excited to continue this work as part of BIP!

Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.