Preparing frames for foundation

Frames with damaged foundation.Frames with damaged foundation.
Frames with damaged foundation.Frames with damaged foundation.

In the next few months beekeepers all over the country will start to inspect hives if they haven’t already. Some pests can be destructive over the fall and winter months. There are two common pests that cause damage during this time, mice and wax moths. Both pests cost beekeepers valuable time in fixing the problem and also money to replace the foundation if the frame is salvageable. Below is a video of me using my modified hive tool to clean foundation from top and bottom bars on frames. For more information on my modified hive tool, visit my blog “here”.
. I have included some images to show what type of damage wax moths cause. For more information on wax moth and photographs of both adult and larvae, you can visit my blog “here”. .

Frames with wax moth damage.
Frames with wax moth damage.

Frames after damaged foundation was removed.
Frames after damaged foundation was removed.

Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.