Until we meet again…

As 2019 rushes to a close and we usher in a new year, a big change is also happening at the Bee Informed Partnership. After 9 years leading the efforts at BIP, I am stepping down and am delighted to introduce Annette (“Net”) Meredith as our new Executive Director. Net will follow with her own blog introducing herself, her background and experience, and some thoughts on joining the BIP team. She has many exciting ideas, is super organized and is looking forward to meeting all of you. We could not have found a better person to continue our efforts and grow all of our programs. I am excited to see where she leads our organization!

I believe that people come and go in our lives at the times when we need them. Certainly it was a stoke of luck that I met Dennis when I did and it has been a quite the ride in creating BIP.  There are similar stories of how most of our team came to find us and the happy result is a very tightly knit, highly focused and skilled group of like-minded, passionate folks who continue to drive BIP forward. It was a bit of a fluke that Net came into our lives too, so we continue the experiment in karma!

Many of us are not very good at saying “goodbye”. Personally, I don’t like the finality of that word and tend instead to favor “until we meet again”. I am uncomfortable with goodbyes and I suspect I am not alone. I do think; however, it is important to acknowledge that others play in our own story. You have been important in my story and I hope that BIP continues to be important in your story.

I would be remiss if I did not take the last opportunity to ask you to Donate. We are still a young, fledgling nonprofit and need funds to grow and impact even more lives. Please consider giving before year’s end. As I have said before, we make every dollar count and I cannot tell you how much joy each and every donation brings to our team.

Thank you. Until we meet again.


Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.