A Sweet Summer Experience

903718_10101704421198108_807950713_oHello BIP Blog readers, my name is Sarah Katz-Hyman. I am a senior at the University of Maryland studying Environmental Science and Policy and Journalism. I am excited to join the BIP team this summer for an internship experience through the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center out of Annapolis, Maryland. The internship program with SESYNC places students in labs and offices that are working on solving environmental problems that have a lot to do with sociology and human dimensions. I am excited to work with the BIP team this summer!

Ever since I wrote a paper my sophomore year in college about Colony Collapse Disorder, honey bees have always interested me. They are so important to our food supply! This summer I will be helping BIP create some informational videos, work on communications materials, and help keep the website updated! I also look forward to learning a ton about the Bee science we are doing here and the people from around the world who care about and care for these little pollinators!

I’ll try to post once a week about the things I experience in the lab and the activities I am doing with SESYNC. I’m a big fan of puns, so I am really excited to learn all the buzz about bees!




Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.