The BIP Box: May

May showers bring June flowers…and the BIP National Loss Survey results The month of May always heralds the release of preliminary results from our BIP National Loss survey. But before we get into the results and what those mean, May Tech Team sampling resulted in averages of Nosema and Varroa loads across all tech teams […]

Introduction to Megan Wannarka, Senior Laboratory Technician with Midwest Tech Team

As the newest member of the Bee Informed Partnership and Midwest Tech Team, I am learning quickly the ins and outs of the BIP team, sampling techniques, lab diagnostics, and the best part, meeting lots of beekeepers and asking questions. I have been lucky enough to work 4 races (Italian, A. ligustica; Carniolan, A. carnica; […]

Nation’s Beekeepers Lost 44 Percent of Bees in 2015-16

Summer losses rival winter losses for the second year running Beekeepers across the United States lost 44 percent of their honey bee colonies during the year spanning April 2015 to April 2016, according to the latest preliminary results of an annual nationwide survey. Rates of both winter loss and summer loss—and consequently, total annual losses—worsened […]

National Colony Loss and Management Survey: You’ve Got Questions We’ve Got Answers

Thank you to the 2,500+ beekeepers who already took the survey! As of this morning (4/6/2016), over 2,500 of you already submitted your answers to the Colony Loss Survey and over 1,500 of you continued to the Management Survey. Thank you for your time and continued support! This current rate of participation tracks very well […]

2015-2016 Colony Loss and Management Survey Is Live: Take the Survey Today!

It is April 1st and that can only mean one thing at the Bee Informed Partnership – our National Loss and Management survey is LIVE!  Starting now and continuing until April 30th, your responses from this survey provide invaluable information that helps us obtain a clear picture of honey bee health throughout the country and […]

National Colony Loss and Management 2015-2016 Survey

This is no April’s fool!  The 2015 – 2016 National Colony Loss and National Management Survey will be ready to accept submissions starting April 1st and continuing until April 30th.  The results that are received from this survey provide invaluable information that helps us obtain a clear picture of honey bee health throughout the country. […]

Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.