The holiday season is here at last! A refreshing moment in time to reflect on the past year and enjoy the company of friends and loved ones. Our team would like to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for being stewards of honey bees and our environment and for supporting pollinators and our work to make a positive difference.

Without the community of people like you, our sponsoring organizations, partners and other environmentally conscious organizations out there supporting similar missions, none of us can hope to achieve a better health for honey bees. It takes all of us together and we are honored to be part of this movement!

December marks a pause in our sampling season and our programs and is a time for us to plan and prepare for the upcoming year and raise awareness of our work. During the year our team travels all over the country supporting beekeepers and working to help answer questions that beekeepers have about honey bee health and management while educating communities. This year we are working to raise funding for a replacement truck for our South Central Tech Transfer Team, revising the Loss & Management Survey Data Explorer, and funding to support our extension and outreach efforts to better support the community in 2023. In 2023, BIP aims to start working to help establish stronger beekeeping practices and resources for community organizations to maximize our impact.

Want to support BIP this year?

Visit beeinformed.org/support and back us up!

  • Give gifts that give back: Donate through BIP’s Pollen Basket at bipinc.org and get a thank you gift for your favorite beekeeper for the upcoming season!
  • Shop like normal using Amazon and choose Bee Informed Partnership as your nonprofit!
  • Make a one time or recurring donation to support our work at beeinformed.org!
  • Shop where it gives back – support local small businesses who support our mission or a cause!

Tell your friends about Bee Informed Partnership and follow us on social media!

We are excited for a new upcoming year of serving our community and look forward to what 2023 brings us all!

Happy Holidays, to you and yours and may you have a wonderful New Year!

Warm Regards,
Bee Informed Partnership


Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.