The holiday season is here at last! A refreshing moment in time to reflect on the past year and enjoy the company of friends and loved ones. Our team would like to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for being stewards of honey bees and our environment and for supporting pollinators and our work to make a positive difference. Without the community of people like you, our sponsoring organizations, partners and other environmentally conscious organizations out there supporting similar missions, none of us can hope to achieve a better health for honey bees. It takes all of us together…

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Last Call: Auction Closes November 7, 2022 at 11:59pm (EST)!

With just a few hours left to bid at our biggest fundraising event of the year, we wanted to send a quick reminder to check out our Virtual Auction and peruse over 130 items that all have been generously donated in support of our work here at BIP. To join in the fundraiser, visit beeinformed.org and click “Bid for Bees” to get your final bids in! Even if you don’t win, you are still helping to raise funds! Bee Informed Partnership exists to serve the beekeeping community. The support of our generous donors and community makes this event an exciting part of our year and…

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Get Ready to Bid at the 2022 BIP Virtual Auction!!

Are you ready for two weeks of fun for a great cause!? We are excited to share that our biggest fundraising event of the year will be LIVE from 12am (EDT) on October 24th through November 7th at 11:59pm! Join BIP for our 3rd annual Virtual Auction to explore and bid on over 100 items that have been generously donated by our friends across the industry to support a great cause! Check out the auction early at beeinformed.org and click “BID FOR BEES!” Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook & Instagram @beeinformedpartnership for details on items and donors! Help us to spread the word…

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Happy Holidays from Bee Informed Partnership!

Season’s Greetings! As the Holiday season approaches, The Bee Informed Partnership team would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you for the support you’ve shown throughout this year! You have helped us push through many obstacles that the global pandemic has put in front of so many nonprofits, and we can’t thank you enough. With your support, BIP serves the U.S. beekeeping community through several programs: The Technical Transfer Team Program offers commercial beekeepers access to a wide range of resources and reports on the health of their colonies to help them improve on their management practices to strengthen the health of…

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BIP works harder…

I want to start by saying 'Thank You' for your support of the Bee Informed Partnership. We are so grateful for you and those we're able to serve and support through our work. The sense of purpose and community we all feel is like nothing I've had the honor to experience before. I know you've been asked by everyone to donate this month, and especially on this Day of Giving, but I'm asking that you show your support for us today. I'm also going to let you in on a bit of inside information. To say that the BIP Team stays pretty busy, is a…

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Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.