Beekeeper’s Stewardship Practices and the Colony Loss Survey

How do beekeeper’s stewardship concepts relate to beekeeper beliefs and practices around Varroa management? That is the question asked by Christopher Thoms et. al. in their 2018 paper titled, “Beekeeper stewardship, colony loss, and Varroa destructor management” linked here. This study was based on data collected from the Bee Informed Partnership Loss and Management Survey, […]

The Art of Sign Twirling

Now that we have your attention, please note that we do not really have anything more to say about sign twirling. This was, however, the 3rd annual sign twirl for Auburn University student Adler Salem. We think he gets better each year! More importantly, this is the 14th year of the Survey, and for this […]

A Look At Filaree As A Forager Food

The vast majority of the commercially managed honey bee colonies in the United States spend February and a portion of March pollinating almonds in the central valley of California.  Almond pollen is very nutritious, and colonies build well on it when favorable weather conditions prevail during bloom. The weather during almond pollination season in 2020 […]

Nitrile Gloves and You

When asked “Besides a hive tool, a smoker and a veil, what is your favorite tool in the beekeeper’s toolbox?” fellow BIP field specialist Dan Aurell replied with NITRILE GLOVES! There are a lot of situations where a beekeeper (especially a BIP field specialist) might want to pull on some nitrile gloves. The most obvious […]

Bee Informed is Wonderful, So Happy to Have Them

Holiday Greetings!, Beekeepers participating in Bee Informed programs have access to a broad network of apiculture specialists. From the Bee Health Field Specialists that provide hands-on assessments with commercial beekeepers to the lab and database techs, and subject matter experts that provide timely insights to current trends, diagnosis of observed problems, and current and best […]

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