Introducing the vanEngelsdorp Honey Bee Lab Website

  The Bee Informed Partnership would like to announce the launch of our new website for the vanEngelsdorp Honey Bee Lab at the University of Maryland, College Park.  The focus of this website will be about projects specific to the lab and the University of Maryland.  Our Sentinel Hive program is one of these projects.  […]

Honey Bee Viral Analysis

The APHIS National Honey Bee Survey (NHBS) is a comprehensive physical examination of apiaries throughout the United Stated.  The NHBS began in 2009 in order to address rising concerns over the health and sustainability of honey bee populations.  The NHBS was funded by USDA-APHIS and is a collaboration between the University of Maryland and the […]

Honeydew: A Mixed Blessing

When Americans think of honey, most of us assume it comes from floral sources—basically bees collect flower nectar, add enzymes, and evaporate moisture to produce the finished product. However, I was recently talking to a friend who grew up near the Black Forest in Germany, and he told me as a child that his mother […]

Feeding Honeybees Honey May Increase Mortality

Bottom Line at the Top After reviewing the details of the BIP survey results for two years where feeding honeybees carbohydrates is concerned, some very surprising suggestions come to light. These results are statistically significant and come from sample sizes including thousands of beekeepers from all over the USA and tens of thousands of colonies. […]

Developing experimental procedure for lipid extraction from honey bees

Working in the vanEngelsdorp lab this past semester, I had the opportunity to help develop a procedure for extracting lipids from honey bees (the significance of which you can read about here). The lab courses I’ve taken so far have all required me to follow procedures like a recipe, which is good way to develop […]

Importance of knowing how lipid soluble pesticides, fungicides and miticides can affect Honey Bees

This semester, I had the opportunity to intern in Dr. vanEngelsdorp’s lab and was able to research potential pesticide (check out pest control madison wi for pest control services) , fungicide and miticide effects on honey bees. Honey bees have fat bodies that functions as a reserve for food. Fat bodies are composed of trophocytes, […]

An Intern’s Intro to Honey Bees

This past semester, I have been working as an undergraduate intern in Dr. vanEngelsdorp’s honey bee lab at the University of Maryland. My previous bee knowledge consisted of only a few fun facts learned in intro biology courses and some honey extracting methods learned while working with another professor in the entomology department here at […]

Be Involved. Be Included.Bee Informed.